Usage Guidelines
1. How can I print a model from MakerWorld?

The simplest way to print a model is using the Bambu Handy App. Choose a model, click on it, and then send it to your printer.


Alternatively, you can also open items in Bambu Studio from MakerWorld or download a model on the MakerWorld webpage on your PC, import it to Bambu Studio, slice it, and send it to your printer.

2. How can I upload a print profile?

Find the model that your print profile needs to attach to. On the model's page, click the "+Add" button in the "Print Profile" field.


Then upload your 3mf file on the upload page.

3. How to rate a print profile?

A print profile can be rated after you print it. There are several ways to do that.

  1. MakerWorld website
    "Personal Center" → "History & Ratings" → "Ratings", find the print profile and then rate it.
  2. Bambu Handy app
    After each printing of MakerWorld model, a rating tip will appear on the device page. You may also rate a model at “Me” →"Ratings"
4. Can I print with filaments different from those set in the selected print profile?

Yes. For example, if a print profile specifies ABS, you can still print with PLA on Bambu Handy. The G-code will be generated with PLA parameters, so there's no need to worry about that.


However, please pay attention to the model or print profile description provided by the designer. Certain parts of the model may require specific materials for functional purposes, such as using TPU to print tires to ensure a certain level of elasticity.

5. Some objects failed to be printed. How to just select these failed objects to reprint?

In Bambu Handy app, it is supported to partially print a model. On “Prepare to Print” page, click “Print Parts” button and choose the objects that you want to print.


In Bambu Studio, there are 2 ways to do so.
1. mark the successfuly printed objects as unprintable in the context menu, slice and print again
2. create a new plate, move these failed objects to the new plate, slice and print the new plate

About Print Profile
6. What is a print profile?

A print profile a Bambu Studio file (3mf format) that contains both model geometry data and a group of settings to generate G-code of a model.


A print profile contains settings like

  • Spacial arrangement of all objects of a model
  • Orientation of each object, ususally it is for the best print effect
  • Slicing parameters of each object (such as speed, strength, quality preference, support, bed adhesion, etc)
  • Painted Colors and filaments for each object
  • Which printer is used for this model
  • etc.

After uploading a print profile to a model, users can print it directly on Bambu Handy app and do not need to configure all the settings by themselves.

7. What is the relationship between a print profile and a 3D model?

A 3D model may own several print profiles. Each print profile stands for a print settings for this model. 


Besides the model designer, other users can also upload new print profiles for a model. Ususally, these print profile may

  • Has better slicing parameters that solves some issues compared to the original one
    such as fix a tolerance issue, optimize the support to save print time and filament, optimized object orientation for better strength, choose proper filament for a object (print a gear with ABS instead of PLA)
  • Has different print preference
    such as improved print details (the print time may be longer), improved strength(may cost more print time and filament)
  • Different color scheme
    such painting on a model to make it to be colorful (can be printed with AMS), or assign objects to different color filament so they can be assembled as a colorful model after printing
  • Support a new printer
    Some printers may be not compatible. For example, the print profile for a large build volume printer may not be used for a small build volume printer. So, users can download a existed print profile, edit it in Bambu Studio for target printer and then upload it as a new print profile.
8. How to check the printer compatibility of a print profile?

When uploading a model or print profile, you may see it on the "Compatible printers" field.


For an existing print profile, their compatible printers will display on its parent model's page.

9. What can I do if a model does not contains any print profile compatible with my printer?

You may download a print profile (.3mf) of the model to your PC and adjust settings (especially the arrangement of objects due to the build volume difference) according to your printer.


Then, you can slice and print this model.


If the modified settings passed your test, it will be appreciated to share it with others by uploading it as a new print profile to the model.

10. Which print profile should I choose to download?

First, you need to check whether a print profile is compatible with your printer. The compatible printer list is shown on each print profile.


Second, you may choose a print profile according to your preference.


Third, choose a highly rated print profile.

Other Questions
11. How are the print profiles in the model sorted?

The print profiles of a model will be divided into three classes:

  • Class A: print profiles from the model designer/uploader
  • Class B: print profiles from MakerWorld official
  • Class C: print profiles from other users

The sorting sequence is Class A > Class B > Class C. For example, a print profile in Class A will always be placed before a print profile in Class B.


Print profiles in the same class will be sorted according to their ratings.

12. How can I advance to the next level on MakerWorld?

There are multiple ways to advance to the next level on MakerWorld. 

  • You can begin by uploading your own models and print profiles, as this contributes to your overall activity and engagement on the platform. 
  • Additionally, you can participate in rating and commenting on other people's models and profiles, fostering a supportive community. 
  • Engaging with comments and replies to your own content is also encouraged. 
  • Lastly, competing in the MakerWorld 3D Design Contests is another great way to advance to the next level and showcase your skills.